PowerShell Azure DSC Extension error - A previous attempt to install Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3066437-x64.msu failed Sometimes you make stupid mistakes that cost you a lot of time and today was a day like this. The context We wanted to use a fixed version of the
PowerShell ArtifactNotFound: References to Microsoft.Powershell DSC extension prior to v2.4 are broken and how to fix it If you are experiencing this error: "Extension with publisher 'Microsoft.Powershell', type 'DSC', and type handler version 'x.x' could not be found
PowerShell Install Web Platform Installer and Azure SDK using PowerShell DSC Did you ever wanted to configure a developer machine in less than two minutes with minimal scripting effort? Say Hi to DSC! DSC (Desired State Configuration) is really fun when